There’s a huge massive difference in want versus need.
In the past, the men in my life have been different. It was like, I like you, I love you, I’m glad we’re together HOWEVER I can live without you.
I even remember telling my ex-spouse that I didn’t need him in my life because he wanted my world to fall apart without him. I wanted him there but I didn’t need him there.
When I met my Dominant it all changed. In the blink of an eye.
I knew what it was like to NEED someone in my life, to orbit around.
He kept me on the ground.
He gave me air to breathe.
He gave me food to eat.
He gave me water to drink.
He fed my hunger.
He encouraged me to go darker.
Down We went, together.
I bared all for Him.
He bared all for me.
It only brought Us closer.
He brings me calm. After a rough day, I can rest my weary head on His knee and catch my breath. Being around Him brings me comfort and a peace that I have never known.
I need Him in my life. I need His strength. I need His love. I just need Him.
For me, being in a D/s dynamic is freeing. It allows me to be who I am without shame or guilt since He knows every single thing about me and accepts me exactly for who I am just as I accept Him exactly for who He is.
I call that true love. I’m not ashamed that I need Him.
I think He needs me too.