Is your submission a gift?
One of the things that I don’t particularly agree with is when I hear someone say “my submission is a gift” meaning the submissive is giving it away to someone they deem worthy.
Really, it does make me internally cringe.
This isn’t like a box a *Big letter* can open at Christmas or a bow to untie. How silly.
When you meet the right person, there’s a vibe, a feeling, something from the gut. It allows trust to form. Friendship. Intimacy. I have realized that without them, meaning the people that come into my life, there would be no submission. I’m not “giving” anything to anyone.
I hear it mostly from the new girls finding kink, “my submission is a gift” nonsense. I’m probably having to bite my lip to not offer unsolicited advice. in my head know I am screaming,
“but for whom?”
i know that without a shadow of a doubt it is my Dominant giving me the gift. the incredible gift of allowing me to go to these deliciously dark places with Him leading. i never doubt Him. i never protest — much. i know that He would never physically or emotionally damage me. without Him what would my purpose be? who would i serve? who would take care of me? who would love me unconditionally?
It’s Him that makes us an Us.
So, I feel that if anyone is getting anything then it’s me getting His time, His love, and His life. A submissive is so blessed to get so much time. We crave it. It’s a must to stay in our mindset of being an owned woman.
Thinking, my submission is absolutely not a gift that I will gift to the lucky winner. No, it’s more like meeting the right person who saw it, saw what I could be, saw what I could do, show me great things that I am capable of. Being in their presence is to be submissive.
What does it take you to get in your submissive space?